So, I have to tell this story, now that it is a year later. :)
Yesterday was the year mark for Christopher going to the MTC. It was also April Fool's day. Perfect fodder, in my opinion. Some people thought I wouldn't try anything that had to do with Christopher, considering my love for him. I wrote Christopher about it and he totally approved.
ANYWAY! The story: I put this as my Facebook status:
Kristen Giles just got a call from Christopher's mom... they got in a car accident on the way to the MTC... :S
Torrey Fountain
is he ok?????????????
Kristen Giles
I think so... his mom said they all got a little banged up - stupid car turned left right in front of them. I think he might have gotten a concussion, possibly, but that's about all I know
Laura Crystal Wilkinson
someone really doesn't want him on a mission... ;)
Kristen Giles
Dang Satan... wish he could just leave the missionaries alone...
Ashley S. Harmon
That's really scary. Is he going to be able to stay at the MTC?
Kristen Giles
I don't know, his mom didn't tell me much... just that everyone was basically ok and that she didn't think anyone would need to go to the hospital for broken arms or anything
Ashley S. Harmon
:( I'll pray for them...
Ben Quilter
If this is an april fools joke . . .
Laura Crystal Wilkinson
oh my goodness, i didn't even think of that
Kristen Giles
LOL!! Alright, alright APRIL FOOLS! Christopher is probably fine, I didn't get any call from his mom. He's probably safely tucked in the MTC now. :) Please do pray for him though! He'll need them. Just... not to get over a car crash. :)
Oh yes. Christopher's name was put on the prayer roll and apparently people freaked out. It was awesome. I'm glad he WASN'T really in a car crash... but I'm glad I was able to get some people. ;)
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