Squad Quote Wall

* all girls in bed going to sleep: *
Steph: ooo AH! LAURA! We do not do that with our feet!

Laura: look its a redwood..... clump!

Laura: Look at that weird orange lighty thingy!
Kristen: the Sun?

Jillian (imatating laura): Look at that weird white lighty thingy!
kristen: the moooon?

Jillian: Kristen has to run around in the shower to get naked. (original quote... Kristen has to run around in the shower to get wet...)

Jillian: Look.. its shiny... like the devil!
Stephanie: Is the devil shiny?
Jillian: If he was... would you grab him?
Stephanie * shifty eyes * maaaaybe.

Alex and Jillians Tree-hugger Medley!
We should be TREE HUGGERS!!!!!!
We should do that.

Server at Casa del pueblo: *to stephanie* cheese Quesadillas,.... VERY plain

Jillian: *talking about cory and leoni* They're off finding the witch 's second cousin
laura: is she hotter than me?
jillian: Her name is bathilda she's a four hundred pound german weightlifter

The love line will not fit through the cemeter

*Jillian picks up a very large pine cone *
cory: Pine trees cannot be harvested.

Kristen : Its all weathered on this side! You can't tell who it is.
steph: because its on this side...
kristen: oh...
steph: this is why i like going places with you, you make me laugh.

* sitting in jack in the box *
Laura: Are we on I-80 yet?
Cory and Alex: * at the same time * no. We're in jack in the box.

Jillian: Things happen when you're tired. Like death. Or sex. Whichever comes first.

Jillian: What am I, Jack the Ripper?
Stephanie *in a very perky voice*: In a Box!

"What goes around comes around... in Kristen's case it's mono." – Laura

Alex: I only go for fries, ok?
Stephanie: I can be like a fry...
Christopher: What, crispy and fat?

Laura: Xander, your hair is standing up
Torrey: Ooooo its sex hair..
Xander: (Having not heard torrey) See, its actually genetic

Laura :We're not going to hate you because you have problems.. You have depressed problems, Christopher has parental problems, I have Boy problems, Stephanie has chocolate problems, Kristen has .. well... she just has problems.
Kristen: w00t! I have problems!

Ben: Have you guys created fireworks? *holding up a pack of Pop Rocks*
Kristen (matter-of-factly): yes.
Ben: Oh wow, I was just making a joke... but ok.
Christopher: Yeah, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Normal kisses are better.

Laura: You didn't like [Turn of the Century] why?????
Christopher: I'll tell you why! Because it looks like it was built in the 1920s and all that stands between you and a spinny, flingy death is an under-sized, moth eaten lawn chair!

"Well don't take it personally, but I'm not that personal in person."

"Of course not! You can't have a black kisser and a green kisser kiss!" -TR
"Then you end up with..." -KG
"Then you end up with a greenish-black kiss. Like a bruise! We will have no bruise kissing here!" –TR

Torrey: Stephanie's a hobo
Kristen: You're going to eat a hobo?
Torrey: No, I said Stephanie's a hobo. Eating a hobo would be gross. I mean, have you seen a hobo? Ew.
Stephanie: Hey... what are you trying to say?

Pioneer... pioneer.
* looks at one of laura's pictures *
Christopher: What were you? mary? a shephard?

Kristen: We're on the second floor, you'll have to go past the cafe and bars.
Laura:"They have bars? How can you read when you're drunk?!"
Tiffany: * giggles delightedly as she lights a match once Alex leaves*

Laura: *singsong voice* Musicalssssss Are good for the SOULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
Just ignore me.

Laura: "Where's Andrecito!"
Alex: "You people!"
Tiffany: "He's alive!"

Alex after tickling Laura: "I win.....and I lose! Ha!"
Laura: "WATCH OUT!!!! He's coming!"
Kristen: "Wahahaaha!" * doing crazy karate moves

OHHHHHHHH YOU LET IT GO.. oh you didn't ... good job

Alex: Good night, women of my lives.
Kristen: Lives?
Alex: I'm a CAT!

Tiff: So.. is someone driving me or am I going to have walk home by myself?
Laura: No! It's not safe to drive by yourself!

Kristen: I like the physical compliments, but maybe we could stay stuff about personality.
Chris: Like... your skin is as smooth as silk.
Kristen: That's not personality!
Chris: Uhh... what's personality again?

steph: * sing song voice * alexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... my mother still tucks me in at night.....
* whispers * He wants me.

chris: Maslows hierarchy of Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds.. you're learning about it in psychology! I'm so proud of you!

Kristen: Stephanie... This straw * NOM NOM * * mimics biting straw * is yours.

Laura: *cries out in pain*
Steph: She's having contractions!

Steph: Describe your pain to me.
Laura: Well.. it's a kind of pressure...
Steph: Like an elephant sitting on you and then... not?
Laura: No, it's internal.
Steph: Oooooooh... you're exploding!

Kristen: Maybe she has cancer!
Steph: You can't randomly get cancer! But if you do, we have a book for you.

"I saw a sign that said "Is your experience enjoyable?" and I thought, "No." "

-Steph about Mickey D's

"If he had stayed there 2 seconds longer I was going to roll down the window, grab his tie, and roll the window back up."

-Steph about Chris

Torrey: They're racist against dashes
Tiffany: Wait, who's racing against the dashes?

“That’s why the people in Palestine are so cranky! They have no chocolate!”

“Pop goes the terrorist! “

You can’t go up to the meat man of life and say “Hey I want 2 pounds of pure awesomeness,” and he says “Okay here’s Drew Mallory!”
many of the girls in the squad:

*light and happy* "You saved Halogen!"

Kristen: Want a sip?
Steph: You have mono..
*takes a sip*
I'm blaming you.

nice line. It's very straight and attractive. Well, as far as lines go...

"You are a beautiful pianist - and your playing isn't bad either."

"Tiff Tiff Tiff key Tiff key Tiff key Tiff key" –CG

And it came to pass, that Ben was a douche - Chris
"And it came to pass that the Douche did inherit the earth"
-Spoken after Ben wasted both Chris and Laura in a two on one match

"Nobody move! I dropped an earring..."
-Spoken by Laura . . . why? nobody knows. ^^

Alex! LAUNCH ME! - Chris and Alex in an unexpected Kirby Alliance

"HEY! don't you hurt my friend"
- said by Alex (kirby) when Chris (kirby) started beating up the other kirby.

Laura: Why do i hear spanish speaking kids in the background
Chris: THANK YOU... i'm not crazy
Spanish speaking kids: De nada!

Laura: (signs) its 8:!6
Cory: does that make you think if 8:16?
Chris: no...
Cory: what does it make you think of
Chris: (shakes hand) De nada....

- said when Laura spawned and Donny killed her

Chris: speaking of aztec
Xander: *matter of factly* Actually. its mayan...
Laura: *cracks up*
- while watching the civilizations clip

Laura: what's really funny is when Ryan spells PXE - Pixie and Automation - Audimation
Christopher: Gets me every time

* randomly * Hey guys... my Hair smells incredible...
- Laura, in the car on the way to VIDEO GAMES LIVE

Kristen: So any plans for Christmas guys?
Christopher: just the usual holiday traditions, steal something valuable, set fire to a stranger on the street....the works.

Jill: Xander... do you want to be the PINK fairy.. or the GREEN Fairy

Laura: He'll be called Master of Fairies.., and for short we'll call him MAF

Alex: Alexander didn't have a name in front of his name. In fact, his middle name was The.. and his last name was Great.

Xander: *noticing the trail of glitter in the hallway * There's silver stuff on the floor... that's not normal....

Laura: "ah... one of those english terms that only honors english students get to know..."
Bryan: "Actually I learned it from Dilbert.

Cory: Well, the two of us have somewhat limited transportation capabilities.
Alex Solomon: you mean your teleporter broke, too?

Christopher: I have to beat this french character... and i'm not even sure he's French
Jill: Xander, everything you says ends up with 'nukes'.

Cory: *long discussion about something* So.. what do you think?
Bryan: the only thing i'm thinking of right now is..."how are we going to get into the building???"

Chris: It is ok, there is forgiveness... and all you have to do to get it is write "You must construct additional pylons" one thousand times.
public class Punishment
public static void main (String[] args)
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
System.out.println("You must construct additional Pylons");

Xander: The voices in my head are ninjas. They tell me to conquer the world.
Oh, and also to eat Hawaiian Pizza

Chris: Well, I call dibs on the special ops guy who has a ghillie suit made of dirty laundry. He can lay down on the floor and just looks like a heap of laundry! Brilliant, especially in my house.

Xander: Ghillie, heck no! I'll be in BDU camo, green face paint, and I'll rise out of the kitchen sink, a lone cloth clinging to my face

Xander: I insist that I attend this secret meeting, and that we open the meeting with an SC Comp-stomp. Failure to comply will result in a kill order and your pictures being given to a Ninja Death Squad
Alex: Sorry, Xanztaaz, we already started the meeting, but we would still love to attend a good comp-stomp for funnsies! - ( SINCE WHEN DOES ALEX TALK LIKE THAT?)
Ben: why do I not even know what this meeting is? Is it a "Alex is the man of the hour" meeting?
(You're the man of the hour, just in case that oh-so-subtle line didn't put it. . . ^_^;; )

Chris: "don't worry.. i'll be... "
*chris turns around *
... "NAKED".
Kristen: "What, are you wanting me to imagine it?!?!"
Chris: "Well.. it's your imagination..."

Christopher: Aperture Science
We do what we must, because we can.
Kristen: no, not again.
Christopher: oh, come on!
*does a peppy dance to encourage continuation of the lyrics *
Laura: for the good of all of us?
Christopher: well, yeah, except the ones who are dead...
*starts crying *
Cory: . . .
Christopher: *prods Cory *
Laura: Chris..... there's no sense crying over their mistakes...
just ... keep on trying... There's still cake.
Christopher: *sighs with relief *
Well, let's get the science done.
Heck, let's make a neat gun!
Laura: so we can save all the people! at least.. the ones still alive.
Christopher: Yup!
*does dance and vigorously hums his own musical interlude *
*vigor of his dance makes him accidentally whack Laura in the face *
Gah, sorry!
Laura: I'm not angry..... * has sincerity in her voice *
even though you broke my ears with your musical interlude and whacked me in the face.
Christopher: oh.
Well, look at it on the bright side. At least I didn't tear you to pieces and throw every piece into a fire.
Kristen somehow I knew this would happen.
Laura: CHRIS! try this cake.. its great! its delicious and moist!
* hands chris cake *
Christopher: Sorry, can't talk. There's science to do.
Laura: hahaha... i'm glad i'm not you.
Christopher: hey, it's not that bad. I've experiments to run, and there's research to be done.
... it's a livin'.
Laura: you're still trying to save those people who are still alive?
nah.. they aren't worth it.
Christopher: Well, your mom wasn't worth it.

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
so how are we bringing him back?
Alex Solomon
Who said anything about bringing him back? We have PIE!

Xander: Donny, i know where you sleep
Donny: So do i

While playing halo:
Chris: we should play Race
Laura: What's Race...?
Chris: Well you see, theres black people and white people.....

Chris: We're going to play race
Ben: What's race?
Laura: well, you see, there's black people and white people......

and OF COURSE it blows up. - Every time we play Super Smash Brothers Melee

Laura: (referring to Ghandi) Um, he's indian, Bald, and believed in peace.
Xander: SQUANTO!
- Said during a game of Catch Phrase at Xander's house.

Laura: Xander, your hair is standing up
Torrey: Ooooo its sex hair..
Xander: (Having not heard torrey) See, its actually genetic

(donny just fell over the couch cause Jill was taking his sock)
(cory walking out of the kitchen)
Cory: Did you just fall over the couch?

"Goodbye people who I didn't talk to!"
"Goodbye loud obnoxious stranger!"
-Dialogue between Chris and a random Stranger..
Christopher: Hey, you should all come tonight! I'll be there! You should be there too! BE THERE DANG IT!
Laura: sigh... why do you SEND THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!
thanks alot chris......
Christopher: I didn't want you to feel left out!
Laura: oh....... can i say you did a horrible job? :P
Christopher: Sure. File a complaint form.
Laura: where do i get the forms?
Christopher: From the pit of Mount Doom.
Laura: Really.... I should have grabbed one while i was there...Gosh dang it
Christopher: 20/20 hindsight, right?
Laura: don't you just hate it when that happens......

Christopher: Alright, awesome! how are your wednesdays?
Laura: my wednesdays are fine... they say thank you for asking... how about yours....

Alex: *Referring to Christopher*: Not that he's a bad person. That's why he's my friend. He's like my better half, only not in a gay way.

Message subject: *ahem*
Laura:i think you are a strange person
Alex: Why thank you. I take pride in that fact.
Laura:oh good.. i'm glad i could make your day...

Christopher: Good morning to you. *sigh* My throat hurts.
Laura: *waves magic wand that appeared out of no where* There.. it should feel slightly better....

Laura: you died....
Christopher:Yeah, I did. Well, back to work!

Donny meh. i'll just get a ghillie suit, and then sneak up on you. and scare teh crap out of everyone.
Laura: oh.. i've learned since tuesday.. to watch my back for Donny Skousen.... sheesh.. that was NOT fun.
Laura: plus you'll look funny on campus..
Donny if you can see me at all :p
Laura:you'll have to get a byu campus colored shredded fabric. You'll be a blue and white dude.. you'll look like cosmo who's just been through the shredder
Donny not necessarily. have you seen how many shrubberies there are on campus?
Laura:i'm picturing brigham square and the quad... yes there are shrubs.. but in order to jump out and scare me you'll have to leave the safety of your shrubs and walk around looking like cousin ITT
Donny i'll just do that when your back is turned. or we could all just scare people who walk near the shrubs

Cory: *referring to Chris's nicknames* Hm. But how did you come to them and/or how do they reflect you as a person?
Donny Skousen in essay form, 3-4 pages double spaced, please.

teal * referring to watching I Am Legend*
oh! and i want xander there cause he always warned about when things were going to pop out.
"xander: and she's about to jump out at this part
donny: no she's not, that's not this part
5 sec. later
donny: oh yeah, i forgot about that part"

Laura we should do a black ops on xander...
Xander Hacking Good Luck! I'll be surrounded by 250+ cadets and probably around 50 trained soldiers, helicopters and M16s. On second though, please don't try.
Cory Grant
In the middle of all that ROTC, I doubt it'd be taken very well.
Cory GrantSomehow I doubt that orange tips would be all that useful in saving us.
Laura Crystal Wilkinson who says we need orange tips
* pulls modified personal cloak and a couple of shield generators and holographic decoys from pocket *
won't these work?
Cory Grant
Mmhmm. But maybe if we need extra forces, we could call the Lost Tribes back through the Stargate, huh? Wouldn't that surprise the Army?
Cory Grant Wow, that was probably a little too apostate . . .

Kristen:Which does make sense to some parents - they think that boyfriends or girlfriends are too much of a distraction and they distract from the schoolwork you should be doing.
Laura My mom treated Karl, Bryan, and Weston the same way... though, they weren't ever my boyfriends...
Karl Smith And blake, don't forget blake.
Laura blake was kind of my boyfriend though....
Karl Smith Well, yeah, kind of.....
...wait, what was the point of this conversation again?
Laura airsoft.... and other activities

Chris: It is ok, there is forgiveness... and all you have to do to get it is write "You must construct additional pylons" one thousand times.
public class Punishment
public static void main (String[] args)
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
System.out.println("You must construct additional Pylons");

*talking about the balloonman's apprentice*
Christopher: What would the balloon man need an apprentice for?
Cory: *mimicking the balloonman* SQUIRE! I need another balloon!........ NO I don't care how much your cheeks hurt, we HAVE to make a POODLE!

Laura: my Roommates were talking about someone who died the other day... and i was like... "That's ok.. all you have to do.. is go to the underworld... the fiery pit..... (continue quote)
Jessie: Sad. What if it was their dad? *pretends to be roommate* My dad died.... That's ok.. all you have to do, is go to the underworld...... (continue quote)
Laura: nooo... it was a celebrity
Cory: Oh, so it wasn't a real death, They died a celebrity death.
Laura: *nods *
Jessie:.... OOOOh... ok.. so they overdosed.

Christopher: Why would you push your friend off a building?
Laura: So that he can't climb down it.. DUH!

Laura: It says in the Book of Mormon, that a Nephite could cross the narrow neck of land in one day. He'd have to be a pretty fast nephite... to get across the panama canal in one day.
Christopher: HEY! Nephites were buff.. Do you know how they do scripture chases? Gold Plates

Christopher: *on video * maslow's Hierarchy of NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDs... you're learning about it in Psychology... i'm so proud of you!

Alex to Christopher: now that's egg ho-ery if i've ever seen it.

Christopher: *digging in the garbage disposal for Andrecieto * "This is not the end. Ew. I found something"

Christopher: How many matches does it take to set off the fire alarm?
Kristen: Do you want to answer that?
Christopher: I don't know.. but we're about to find out..
Kristen: Tune in next time

Alex: I found a katydid!
Laura: Is it the one i kicked last night?
Kristen: "You named it Herman!?"
Will: "Yes, it's name is Herman."

Alex: *Pokes laura *
Laura: * jumps * "Donny!" ( on accident )
Alex: "Donny?!"
Kristen: "Donny?!"
Chris: "Donny?!"
Kristen: "Donny?!"

Christopher: * looks at one of laura's pictures *
Pioneer... pioneer...
laura: It was a christmas dance
Christopher: What were you? mary? a shephard?

Kristen: We're on the second floor, you'll have to go past the cafe and bars.
Laura:"They have bars? How can you read when you're drunk?!"

Laura: "Computer engineering... it's the building of engineers.."

Laura: My water had phone damage

Christopher: Xander, what does red make you think of?
Xander: Explosions
Christopher: Green?
Xander: Explosions
Christopher: orange?
Xander: Explosions
Christopher: purple?
Xander: Explosions
Christopher: blue?
Xander: Exp..... * thinks * actually.... water
Christopher: pink?
Xander: Explosions

Cory: Well, some of us a limited in our transportation capabilities
Alex: What, your transporter broke too?

Laura: We should totally just write a christmas album. Just create some songs, in a higher pitch...
* mimics high pitched piano noises * dink dink dinkdinkdink dink Dink.... * excitedly * CHRISTMAS!!!!

Other Friend Quotes:
~Chris: And the people rejoiced
~Chris: and it came to pass, that Ben was a Douche
~Ben: and the douches shall inherit the earth
- said when ben killed laura and chris in halo
~Laura: (low voice) EAT........YOU!
- Said when laura and chris were playing super smash brothers, and the CPU ness ate the growing mushroom

Laura: Why do i hear spanish speaking kids in the background?
Chris: THANK YOU! NOw i know i'm not crazy
Spanish Speaking kids in Background: De NADA
~actual kids speaking in background in the Blood Gulch 4 base level

Chris: Excuse me, strange creature, but i have need of your assistance....
Laura: Should you die for your country....
-Said when playing super smash brothers and a mr. saturn appeared.

Jillian: What would happen if Laura and Kristen were lesbian?
Laura: Our nights would be so fun! ... i mean. wait...
*everyone looks at her *
*freaks out *
I meant.. like we'd be up giggling... oh shush, we'd be doing the same thing if we were roommates.

Kristen: I WILL have sex before I die
Laura: ME TOO!
Ben: Heck yes, I will join this club.

Kristen: We are side to side.. But not heart to heart...
* Stephanie starts trying to put her heart next to kristen*
Kristen: no.... no..

Kristen: * reads paper * Life was evil to me as a child.

Kristen: Now that you are dead, I will say this... * opens paper * If you die I will harvest your organs.

Ben: This couch is coushy, stylish and attractive.
Alex: Sounds like someone I dated.

Ben: You like kids with cancer don't you?

Jillian: No Laura, We don't burn stuff while wearing them.. there's just some stuff you don't burn.
Laura: * opens paper * You know, in ancient rome, that was part of the marriage conrtract.

Stephanie: Hurry, get into the safe!
Laura: And the password is...... * opens paper * I used to be black
Safe: Code accepted... hooray!
Stephanie: I didn't know there were surgeries for that?

Alex: I like his driving
Jillian: Does it turn you on?
Alex: No, it turns me to the left.

Kristen: Was she sexually harassing you?
Alex: I don't know if she was.. i'm 5! I don't even know what fishing metaphors.

Ben: *reads paper* Say something Saucy!
Kristen: *reads paper* once there were 2 muffins!

Kristen: That's my butt you're looking at cause I don't have a boyfriend. I have to make one up. And I frequently get this comment * reads papers* I wonder if she knows.....

Ben: I have a poem to say to you . Its a really nice one * reads paper * come swim in a blue lagoon.

Laura: Yes, I will marry you.. after I push you off the SWKT.
Alex: * pretending to fall * I have one thing to saaaaaaaaay: *opens paper* faaaaaaaaaaaaail.

Laura: This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. There were supposed to be fireworks, and and people... and *opens paper * there's a pirate behind you!

Jillian: You ruined everything
Stephanie: Like what?
Jillian: Like my mom
Stephanie: I ruined your mom?

Jillian: Why did you die? I was going to get some.
Steph: I was pretending to be drunk.

Steph: I've only had one boyfriend
* looks at alex *

Jillian: You know what my mom used to say before she tucks me in?
Alex: Oh boy, this sounds familiar.
Jillian * reads paper * If you don't tell me you love me I'll kill you.

Jillian: I'm deft...
Stephanie: *looks up quickly* you're deaf? I can sign to you :D

Jillian: Are you un-dead yet?
Alex: That depends, are we in heaven? Because I think I'm looking at an angel.
Ben: Okay, that's it. We're getting you to the hospital!