Christopher's 18th

So far, this blog is FAILING at doing what it's supposed to be doing - telling a story. At least, I think that's what Laura wanted it for... and she hasn't even posted. So I'm going to conclude that nobody wants to tell stories. Maybe they're afraid of people seeing their point of view on a certain outing and that someone will get offended. Grain of salt, guys. We all have different stories and recollections. If we start writing them down... we won't forget them. :) Or maybe people just don't know what to say. That's part of MY problem. I don't know where to start. Do I start way back 2 years ago? Or share something that happened recently? I don't know. I'll share a beginning memory though - maybe the initial meeting of the people that would eventually become our little group. (I'll try to be as unbiased as possible, but I can't promise anything. Sorry.)

So, it was Christopher's 18th birthday...
(haha, do I even need to say anything else? Everybody's mind has now suddenly jumped to that instance and they'll probably remember it quite clearly.)

I remember it being a madhouse. There were so many people there! Computers were set up for people to play Halo and I epically failed at playing that game. We had heavily frosted birthday cake and I remember being slightly obsessed with the shishkabob sticks. I remember sword fighting in the church parking lot with Kris Pratt, Ben, Christopher, and Laura. The swords couldn't handle the heat and some of them broke. Alex attacked after we were all done.
I remember that was when Stephanie met Drew Mallory and she wanted his phone number. And I remember knowing almost everyone there.

I'll end there, for reasons people should already know. :) Care to share any other stories from way back when?

** edit from Laura **
(I've been trying to compose what I want to say... lol.) 

I  remember coming back in from the sword fight, and having Steph jump all over Kristen saying.. "you know how worried i get when you go off with that boy by yourself.."
 They were actually Xboxes...
I remember the comment that "kristen is one frustrated girl"
The only person I knew there when I went.... was Alex.  I had only been talking to Chris online for a week...  and even then sparsely... He invited me because I mentioned I played halo, and he wanted me to play. 

** end of edit from laura **


Chocoholic said...

That was the first time I met Alex too. I told him I was going to kill him in his sleep.

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